When I recently took down my 8' tall corn plants to chop them up to fill the compost bins, I realized how sad it is to destroy the garden every Fall. But I think every gardener also feels a sense of relief and a welcoming to the rest that Winter brings.
Compost Tips: Here in a dry climate, it's not so easy to compost but this system works really well.
1. I made for a double compost bin out of free wooden pallets with chicken wire inside (to prevent the straw from falling through the slats). On the front side it has 2 doors that swing out. It's easy to fill and easy to empty.
2. I got red worms from my friend Sam at the Farmer's Market. This has been extremely helpful as I no longer have to turn the compost over AND the worms like lots of straw. Once I got my chickens, having the compost bins gave me a good place to put the dirty straw from the hen house.
3. In the Fall, I layer the dead zucchini, tomato, corn, etc. plants with apple peelings, or whatever and lots of the chicken manure straw.
4. I soak each layer with water. Cover with straw and let the worms do the work of creating rich compost. Every Spring, I am amazed at the rich soil they have made from garbage!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014

One day old babies...
Chicks at an Art Opening, everyone's a critic!
Three new one-day old baby chicks, so adorable!! My older chickens are now 3 years old. Production places would "cull" the flock but I've nurtured my chickens since they were a day old and I just cannot kill them. Not sensible farming, but what the heck. So, I'm adding to the flock. I now have 8 different types of chickens, 10 total.
The first night when the one-day old baby chicks were in their box with everything they needed: heat lamp, water, soft rag, food, they wouldn't stop peeping. And they got very loud and insistent. So, to be a good mother hen, I wrapped them in an old soft dishcloth, went back to bed and tucked them under my chin. They instantly fell asleep, very content chickies. I put them in the box later and they just fell back asleep.
I do this every day both in the am & pm. It's too funny...they immediately close their eyes, their little heads start nodding and then they out sound asleep. It's very, very peaceful for all of us. Even the 2 dogs sleeping on my bed seem to like it!
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